Reply to post: Re: Blame those who said web design was software development

Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp

Ima Ballsy

Re: Blame those who said web design was software development

I'm involved in some of that. 30+ years in Client Server or Server sided software , db, etc development, including mainframe stuff (ok, don't say that TOO loud), I find myself having to do FULL stack development.

I'ts shite, I'll say. TOO many stacks to thru to do simple things.

Lets see, first there is HTML(5), CSS, javascript - ok, then add libraries for doing useful stuff, my case jquery, jqueryUI, sweetalert 2. MMM next let us throw in a framework (My case web2py - cause it lets me break it's own rules), Python and then final Postgresql.

HOLY BatSHit batman !!!! Now something is borken, where the FSCK is it?

My point - ME with over 30 (ok 40) years experience, who can explain all sorts of THEORY, write my own database engine, have read Knuth's books, can barley keep things together, HOW IN THE HELL can some place like Accenture with JUNIOR programmers even make an attempt at things of this size and scope?

For reference just look at what happened here in the USA and the first round of shit programming on the "version 1" of our own ACA website ....

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