Reply to post: Re: "I'm a judge, and I can't understand the difference, so nobody can"

As long as there's fibre somewhere along the line, High Court judge reckons it's fine to flog it as 'fibre' broadband

Shadow Systems

Re: "I'm a judge, and I can't understand the difference, so nobody can"

Thank you for that analogy.

Here's some filet mignon. It's made with 50% unidentifiable meat-like stuff, but since the other 50% is actual beef then it's the same thing, right?

No, and neither is FTTC vs FTTP. You pay for filet mignon / fibre to the home & would be righteously pissed if you found out after the fact that what you were given wasn't 100% filet mignon / fibre to the home.

"But people are smart enough to know the difference."

Could you tell the difference between fake & real filet mignon simply by looking at it? They're both advertised the same, the only difference is one is cheaper than the other (as far as the ads are concerned). Unless the cheaper ad expressly states "This shite isn't 100% beef" then the consumer will have no way of knowing that they weren't buying what they thought they were.

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