Reply to post: Re: Well if the US ships want the Chinese to keep out of the way

User secures floppies to a filing cabinet with a magnet, but at least they backed up daily... right?


Re: Well if the US ships want the Chinese to keep out of the way

You must be a young'un. Just about everyone who was around in the Good Old Days (TM) has seen this. I have personally seen it.

People using early PCs had to boot them from floppies, so the floppies were used every day. The users were told to keep them safe, so they did that by putting them in metal filing cabinets. As they needed them handy, the logical solution was to put them on the inside of the door, so they're handy for the next morning. No one explained to them that these are magnetism-sensitive, and they had no other way of knowing that the many-time-mentioned way of storing these is actually a bad idea. Likewise with the staples - if nobody had explained that the interior of these things needed to turn, then you wouldn't see why stapes might be a bad idea.

The reason the "victims" are usually women is that early PCs were mostly used as word processors, and therefore went to the people doing the word processing - which meant that they were overwhelmingly women in those days. My early jobs were in organisations with typing pools, personal secretaries etc - all female. Ah, the joys of going for a dip in the typing pool....ahem, I digress.

Anyway, laughing at this kind of behavior is both futile and puerile. Nobody but us geeks understood all this back then.

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