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When is a phone not a phone? When it's an Android security key


"Then you need to speak to your carrier, as you should be running the Feb 2019 update...

next time, if you really care about security updated, don't rely on your network being kind to you. #fail"

Why do you think a carrier should be involved at all? I have the same phone with the same patch. Lenovo made the phone, Lenovo issue the patches, and that's the most recent one that's available. No-one else is involved at any point, nor should they need to be.

As for those suggesting LineageOS, that's a decent idea if you happen to be lucky enough to have a supported phone. However, given that not a single phone I've ever owned is supported that's a bit of a problem. That's including flagships from the likes of Samsung, Sony and HTC. Unfortunately, much as we like to mock Google for constantly dropping support for things, it's even more of a problem for free open-source things which rely entirely on some volunteer somewhere deciding to do the work. I love the idea of projects like LineageOS in principle, but in practice whether your phone is supported, and whether it will remain so a few months or years down the line, is basically a matter of random chance and the goodwill of strangers. Neither of those are great things to be basing your security on.

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