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Town admits 'a poor decision was made' after baseball field set on fire to 'dry' it more quickly

Black Helicopters

Us Kiwis...

We commonly use Helicopters in such cases.

That said, when it comes to sports we would probably only resort to that for a thugby match. They're the only group sufficiently fearful enough of water to warrant it. The kids would love the chance to get muddy while playing baseball!

We've been known to use the same method for drying concrete inside buildings as well, although I'm sure better planning would be cheaper than finding a chopper pilot willing to hover inside a building! (spent some time trying to find a link - miss the days when a "+" or "-" had a decent effect on search terms, rather than today when all engines do a "or" search on every word and also do their "Couldn't find many results for what you typed, here's something completely unrelated instead!")

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