Reply to post: Re: Repetitive uncommanded aircraft nose down conditions?

Ethiopia sits on 737 Max report but says pilots followed Boeing drills


Re: Repetitive uncommanded aircraft nose down conditions?

uncommanded aircraft nose down

You see this kind of writing a lot in investigations. It's the same language used if an elevator falls off or a hydraulic line fails and the airplane becomes partly (or wholly) uncontrollable, yet since it's "just" a computer we seem to be treating it as a lesser fault.

If this was the tailplane falling off these planes wouldn't even be in the air a year from now. MCAS had better be proven that it cannot ever provide an "uncommanded nose down" or the aircraft should not be recertified. Heck I don't think it should be certified anyway, considering the engine design results in "uncommanded aircraft nose up" within the normal operating envelope!

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