Reply to post: Re: Birds

Ethiopia sits on 737 Max report but says pilots followed Boeing drills

Dave 32

Re: Birds

"Is it just me or does this 'stunning' piece of journalism seem to be very 'convenient' for Boeing !!!"

I'd think that it'd be very damning for Boeing. I mean, if something as tiny as a bird, which shares, at least, some of the airspace with an aircraft, can cause the loss of the craft, with all of the crew and passengers, in my opinion, that would be a very faulty design. (Ok, so I might give them a pass if the sensor were damaged by a fish, because reasonably competent aeronautical engineers shouldn't have to consider the possibility of encountering a fish during normal flight. But, well, birds are a completely different item.).

And, as to the fact that airplanes share the same airspace with birds, I can't really consider it an "Act of God".

So, in my humble opinion, the entire design was crap, and the families deserve to be promptly and adequately compensated for the loss of their loved ones.

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