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This is not, repeat, not an April Fools' Day joke: 5 UK broadband vendors agree to pay YOU daily rate for fscked internet

Lee D Silver badge

If we could apply it to all the other utilities, then it would make a lot more sense.

Only last year, a "smartmeter upgrade" callout resulted in someone from Siemens coming to my flat, seeing I had a storage heater, and then driving off. No follow-up, no install, and I'd *PRE-WARNED* them and they'd *ASKED* on the call what kind of meter.

I had to take a day off for that, and I should be able to charge for that, and I don't care who pays it - Siemens (the metering company), the electricity company, it doesn't matter. But now every time they talk about smart meter upgrades, I tell them I'll be happy for them to do it... it'll require them paying me for my lost day first, plus a day's deposit for the new install date. They don't seem so keen after that.

We should be able to apply the same to every plumber, electrician, utility servicing, meter-reading, etc. They do it to us - my local GP would charge for missing an appointment - so it's only fair.

Fact is, all that would happen is that they would never commit to a date and never come and install, like BT don't now.

If you can charge me for a missed appointment, I can damn well charge you for the same, except you only had to turn up "at some point", but I had to be in all day.

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