Reply to post: Re: Closing High Street branches

IT meltdown bank TSB: It's as good a week as any to announce we're taking back control

Giovani Tapini

Re: Closing High Street branches

Branches are really more for advice than transactions now. There are a vast number of people that have very little concept about how one sort of account or service is different to another. Albeit you get advice biased on the services the given provider actually delivers (in this case TSB). Financial education is rather lacking around how different products work and what risk people (don't realise) they take with some.

Interesting that the two elements of the same organisation are both taking what appears to be competitive positions you are too slow and expensive vs you are too useless and we want control back from all your 3rd & 4th party supply chains. I'm going to get my comfy chair and popcorn out for this one.

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