Reply to post: "Why do you want to give cash-rich corporations the same rights that we grant to poor artists"

The completely rational take you need on Europe approving Article 13: An ill-defined copyright regime to tame US tech

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"Why do you want to give cash-rich corporations the same rights that we grant to poor artists"

Because in democracies the law should be the same for all?

Keep on hating Disney, but I really don't care about its mouse, haters like you are ready to destroy the lives of many people just to "kill Disney" - to be able to watch Avengers/Star Wars for free.

You're wholly wrong about copyright - it's not a monopoly license granted graciously by a state as the owner, the state is not the owner of anything - it's a basic property right of the creator - which a democratic state must protect, or who do you believe would be the first to take advantage of removing it? Exactly the same cash-rich-corporations you hate so much.

Your believing is really dangerous, you do really believe other people don't own their work and some entity like a (authoritarian) state should remove rights from people and give their properties to you for free. We've seen that ideology already - it just led to some powerful people owing everything, and most others nothing.

Anyway copies of most works are usually required to be sent to state archives so they keep on being available in the future - here, for example, when a book is assigned an ISBN number copies must be deposited in two state libraries, and two regional ones. It happens for other kind of works too. Feel free to research ho your state handles that.

Still, you're not allowed to make copies of them to exploit them for free as long as copyright is valid. There's a big difference between a work being available, and it being exploited by greed people for personal gain.

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