Reply to post: Not only more expensive, but also late

What bugs me the most? World+dog just accepts crap software resilience

Potemkine! Silver badge

Not only more expensive, but also late

First, I doubt it would be possible to eradicate all bugs from software which are more and more complex.

But let's suppose that.

Following the rule of the 80/20, eradicating the last 20% of bugs will cost 80% of the whole time needed for the project. Making a bugless software will be costly, but also it will take a long time. The product may then arrive too late on the market, there could be other solutions available before that. It's sometimes better to have a not-so-perfect tool rather than no tool at all.

It's all about context: if the software risk analysis shows lives could be at stake, then the debug process should be as complete as possible. If not, I think the software issues may be an acceptable alternative if the software feeds a need anyway.

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