Reply to post: Re: EFF, Wikipedia, Google...

The completely rational take you need on Europe approving Article 13: An ill-defined copyright regime to tame US tech


Re: EFF, Wikipedia, Google...

The easiest way to avoid that -- plus half an hour of advertisements and other crap -- is to either download the movie or rip the disc.

Nowadays they like to throw on "Piracy isn't a victimless crime" or similar in front too.

Well guess what. DRM and stealing from the public domain (by preventing a DRMed/streaming only work from ever entering the public domain) aren't victimless crimes either.

In fact, as I tend to mutter when presented with such rubbish, copyright in its current form isn't a victimless crime either. It may be only a moral crime for now but a crime nonetheless (copyright shouldn't give you the right to tell me when, where, how, and if I can view a copyrighted work once sold, nor should it create multi generational dynasties of content hoarders like Disney).

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