Reply to post: Re: Correcting tea misinformation

Autonomous vehicle claims are just a load of hot air… and here's why

Charles 9

Re: Correcting tea misinformation

From what I can read, it all depends on the tea. Basically, the more oxidized the tea, the hotter you need the water to be to make it ideal. From what I've read, you need some boiling before you pour, but not too much or you lose too much oxygen in the water; plus you want the water to stop boiling once you pour so that it hits the sweet spot (for unoxidized teas like green and white, that's about 80 C, semi-oxidized like oolong is best at 90 C, and black teas which are fully oxidized should be left just below the boiling point of 100 C). The best answer basically is, "It's Complicated. Your mileage may vary."

PS. Might also have to take into consideration the condition of the water being used, as hard water is notorious for not getting better with heat.

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