Reply to post: Re: Public sector bodies now have the opportunity to lead by example

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Rich 11

Re: Public sector bodies now have the opportunity to lead by example

Not getting the downvotes.

I think those may be due to the commenter's lazy assumption that all government is wasteful and inefficient, and that no-one at any level of management gives a toss.

While there are certainly instances you can point to which indicate there are problems, and you can easily fill your day watching the proceedings of the various Parliamentary committees digging away at them, you'll find those instances in any walk of life. Away from headline projects the majority of day-to-day functions tick over smoothly and the majority of people in the Civil Service and in local government do definitely give a toss and take public service seriously, however much the government of the day does it's best to demoralise and demonise them and to outsource their jobs.

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