Reply to post: Re: cast the first stone

College student with 'visions of writing super-cool scripts' almost wipes out faculty's entire system


Re: cast the first stone

All my colleagues use Putty for ssh connections into the enterprise farm. I use Attachmate Reflections which the department will supply on demand. Typically we each have several sessions open at a time to both dev and prod servers.

I have a tool that can assign pre-set color profiles to any session. They have pre-set profiles that they can never remember how to use.

Guess who *doesn't* get confused between production (black text on whit b/g - usually unless I feel like a change), dev (green text on black b/g, or black text on a yellow b/g, or green text on purple b/g*) and AWOOGA! EMERGENCY NEEDS SORTING NOW! (White text on red b/g or red text on white b/g depending on how tired I am and how late in the day it is)?

Not only that but my Reflections keyboard can be mapped to save much wear and tear on the old fingers and make zipping back and forth over the filesystems of machines easy, especially over a slow and sometimes glitchy remote connection.

But my terminal emulator isn't "cool" and lacks street cred or something.

* I call this one "chainsaw" after one such device I saw in Home Despot sporting this virulent color scheme.

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