Reply to post: Re: Faster than light not needed?

Yes! Pack your bags! Blossoming planetary system strikingly similar to ours found by boffins


Re: Faster than light not needed?

Coincidentally 1g x 1 year => ~ light speed

365 * 24 * 3600 * 10 = 315 360 000 ie 300000 k/s

The “little fuel” bit leaves me puzzled. Even assuming very high efficiency you need to get your ship’s mass + its fuel to that speed with additional relativistic mass effects (not sure the relation of mass effect to time dilation coefficients). That’s a lot of energy, I think some propose antimatter drives but you still have to produce that antimatter. Then you need to decelerate your way in, more fuel.

Windows will be secure before we can even get to Alpha Centauri, 100x nearer.

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