Reply to post: Re: Is it stable yet?

They're BAAACK: Windows 10 nagware team loads trebuchet with annoying reminders to GTFO Windows 7


Re: Is it stable yet?

You haven't been blind for very long, have you? Haven't you realized yet that we're not really human? You should be pleased that you can use a computer, that's cute and isn't it nice that the physically challenged can use machines at all? I mean sure, every time the machine boots, with Win 10 at least, only God knows if it's going to talk, but again, we should just be pleased that, most of the time, we're able to sort of use the computer. BTW, you shouldn't worry about the machine's sound failing, it gives you a chance for social interaction what with getting some poor person to help because, just as we're not human in the strict sense, we're surrounded by people who have nothing better to do with their time than to fix Microsoft's messes, and those same people are unimportant, I, for one, jump with joy when it comes time to take them away from what they're doing so they can help me out.

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