Reply to post: Re: Potentially unpopular opinion

Swiss electronic voting system like... wait for it, wait for it... Swiss cheese: Hole found amid public source code audit


Re: Potentially unpopular opinion

Re: "make decisions on behalf of a community" and "tie qualification to some spot you habitually inhabit" - I have my family, friends, house, dentist and doctor there, I pay my local taxes there, I just happen not to have a 9-5 job across the block. Does it disqualify myself in your view? And that is for the local ballot only. In my country the "working for the constituency" is not a big deal, if it is a deal at all. But still as a citizen I believe i have the right to have a say in who will be the face in TV debates for the next few years, yet I regularly have to travel hundreds of kilometers to exercise that right.

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