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We can do this the easy way or the Huawei, US tells Germany with threat to snip intel over 5G fears

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

So if you want proof of bad behaviour then you really don't have to look far for it and more documented evidence than even the most one eyed can shake a stick at.

Yet, there is a remarkable absence of

(a) documented evidence of any of the US allegations and

(b) efforts of US providers such as Cisco to allow a similar level of public scrutiny that Huawei presently allows.

So, from a factual basis I am still more inclined to trust Huawei than the US, also because I suspect the US has finally worked out that China is likely to take over as leading superpower, a process accelerated by Trump's pivot into coal to appraise his base. That didn't exactly work because -as always- real life economics finally made themselves known, a nuisance Trump had to cope with many times in his life (typically signalled by yet another bankruptcy) but it put the US years back in dealing with global warming and developing associated technology.

But hey, what do I know. I just see the patterns.

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