Reply to post: What about

Dear Britain's mast-fearing Nimbys: Do you want your phone to work or not?


What about

Using the directional antenna I invented with 240K alloy superconducting emitters cooled via thermoelectrics?

Irony: this would actually drop field to near zero out of zone/etc, closer to a femtocell than a conventional mast.

You could also have realtime feedback from the device(s) to each antenna so if people are streaming the same movie it

nudges them onto a closer one with more signal and charge their devices to boot using separate coils.

Just waiting on a few parts to show up. I can see a resistance drop at the narrow range similar to other re-entrant

materials but due to the way it works you can only put so much energy through it before it quenches.

As with conventional ceramics this works best 50K below Tc so to be useful without cooling it would need to superconduct

near the boiling point of water ie 373.15K so not ready for prime time just yet.

Random idea: what would happen if the antenna were made of metallic hydrogen engineered within a diamond pressure cell?

LaH18+ would also work at lower pressure and it would be a trivial matter to construct an alloy which is kept

superconducting by continous application of feedback, similar to the material suggested in that US Army patent.

Its also possible that the cables could be filled with liquid hydrogen/argon and thus be used to both distribute and harvest solar energy

while sending any excess through the HTSC core. Also a lot safer as H is only flammable above 4% concentration.

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