Reply to post: Re: "Which is where MS should have stopped."

ReactOS 0.4.11 makes great strides towards running Windows apps without the Windows

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: "Which is where MS should have stopped."

"You know that Windows 2000 didn't support 64 bit CPU, and CPU had a single core?"

I set up w2k in a VM once, on a multi-core Intel 'Core Quad' system, and with a little tweeking it ran OK, dual core even. But it did have a nasty habit of consuming 100% CPU all of the time. Then again, Win-10-nic does that, too...

Also w2k has support for multi-processor, which might as well be the same as multi-core. And didn't the article say that ReactOS has Ryzen support in it?

I really think that the Win2k reference was for the user interface, and NOT the kernel side. Kernel side would need to support multi-core hyperthreaded processors with the most recent architecture and peripherals and windows driver models, compatible with 7 at the very least...

[and when applications query the windows version, ReactOS should optionally say it's Win 7 or Win-10-nic so that they'll still install]

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