Reply to post: Re: Ah, memories.

The first ZX Spectrum prototype laid bare... (What? It was acceptable in the '80s)

Dave559 Silver badge

Re: Ah, memories.

A world of new imagination…

Even the “Horizons” demo tape of sample programs, covering all bases from the “Through The Wall” Breakout game, to a simulation of fox and rabbit populations, to, umm, many other things which I have now forgotten, was enough to whet the imagination of any young teenager suddenly presented with all this potential power to program and create (not just to “consume”)…

And that space-age sky city SF cover art of the Spectrum manual…

And Oli Frey’s cover art for Crash magazine…


There are many of us who owe everyone involved in the whole Spectrum scene a drink of some sort for the new worlds that it opened…

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