Reply to post: Re: What possible delay?

Three-quarters of crucial border IT systems at risk of failure? Bah, it's not like Brexit is *looks at watch* err... next month

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: What possible delay?

A speck of honesty from May would be appreciated (and shocking).

A speck of honesty from the Conservative BRexiteers would also be appreciated.

Watching Tuesday evenings news was fascinating, as Brexiteer after Brexiteer failed to answer the simple questions put to them. About the only honest thing was the one's (yes Brexiteers) who said they would vote the opposite way to Mogg...

So expect in the coming votes, in May's cunning plan, to see Brexiteers voting both for and against whatever it is they are being asked to vote on, including all the various procedural motions eg. having a vote on whether to put the motion to the vote.

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