Reply to post: Re: cheating

Slow Ring Windows 10 fragged by anti-cheat software in the games you're playing at work, says Insiders supremo

Intractable Potsherd

Re: cheating

"and if you bought a car , you should be able to drive at 140mph with the seatbelt off?"

Yes, if it is off the public road.*

*Leaving aside that "drive at 140mph" and "with the seatbelt off" are not connected at all - yes, both are illegal in many countries, but independent of each other i.e. driving at 140mph on a public road with a posted limit is illegal regardless of whether a seatbelt is worn, and driving at 14mph without a seatbelt is also illegal.**

** Also, in practical terms, driving at 140mph does not require a seatbelt to be worn, and wearing a seatbelt does not of itself make driving at 140mph possible.

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