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OK, team, we've got the big demo tomorrow and we're feeling confident. Let's reboot the servers

Killfalcon Silver badge

"And how do you then account for me, the idiotic luser, setting the system date 20 years into the future and then back to the current time? Not exactly your business as to why I've done that, but because I have, your software is now broken and you're in breach of contract."

That's not how 'breach of contract' works, though. Contract law is largely focused on not taking up any court time if at all possible,, and strongly encourages the parties to take reasonable steps to put things right.

In this case, where you've done something and the software has stopped working - you contact the vendor, and they should then fix it for you. This is pretty much the same story as home licenses tied to a limited number of activations - they'll almost always reset that count if you just call them up.

It's not "breach of contract" if you're not attempting to take up the remedies already in place.

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