Reply to post: Phrases out of context

Linus Torvalds pulls pin, tosses in grenade: x86 won, forget about Arm in server CPUs, says Linux kernel supremo


Phrases out of context

It seems that they took some phrases and put them out of context to fuel the contest x86 vs ARM.

But whenever the target is powerful enough to support native development, there's a huge pressure to do it that way, because the cross-development model is so relatively painful.

Linus Torvalds is fully aware that native development is a small part of all the development that is going on and the phrase has a limited scope. If you develop on a framework and the framework has been tested on different platforms unless you are shaving the milliseconds to get the highest performance you just deploy on the server that you find available. If you really see a difference in performance or stability you have to ask explicitly to your boss who will also take the budget into account so you have to justify your request.

I think that the x86 vs ARM contest in the near future will somewhat shadow other alternatives like RISCV, PowerPC and so on.

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