Reply to post: Re: Well currently the problem with ARM is not the CPU

Linus Torvalds pulls pin, tosses in grenade: x86 won, forget about Arm in server CPUs, says Linux kernel supremo

steelpillow Silver badge

Re: Well currently the problem with ARM is not the CPU

The situation has in theory improved, with much standardization effort brewing among ARM system designers. But of course technology advances invariably carry the goal posts with them.

The problem reflects in the poor availability of ARM workstations. They do exist but their OS are usually crippled by cash-strapped lack of polish - be it ARM Linux or native RISC OS - so few professionals want to know. And you have to know where to look. Although, given the continuing Microsoft work on porting Windows to ARM, that could soon change.

If you are a frustrated ARM developer out there, my suggestion to you would be to take time out from unfriendly penguinistas who bite your fingers and see whether the newly open-sourced RISC OS has an appetite for your particular herring.

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