Reply to post: "By and large they look like the sort of party who you'd see being escorted around a lab"

Now you've read about the bonkers world of Elizabeth Holmes, own some Theranos history: Upstart's IT gear for sale

John Smith 19 Gold badge

"By and large they look like the sort of party who you'd see being escorted around a lab"


That's a Board of the "Great & The Good." They will have f**k all idea of what they are being shown (or judge wheather it even works) but will be able to reassure potential suckers investors that this is a serious business with massive potential because y'know "It's got these guys on the Board, and they'd never get suckered, right?" I think it was Issac Asimov who noted "An expert outside their own field is just as narrow minded, ignorant and gullible as anyone else." Tharnos will should make a very Business School case study of this and the Cult of Personality around a founder.

Let me suggest a useful investing tip.

Mostly "Great & Good" Board members --> Scam Alert! Your money in danger.

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