Reply to post: Re: Serious infrastructure carnage

Where's Zero Cool when you need him? Loose chips sink ships: How hackers could wreck container vessels


Re: Serious infrastructure carnage

Heh. But on a more serious note:

England nearly lost WWII in 1939-early1940 due to mines being laid IN their ports & roads, never mind normal routes. The pilots later got the glory for the Battle of Britain re a tactical attack, but the minesweepers were digging out truly startling quantities of explosives out of the ports for a year prior : a strategic attack. The Battle of the Atlantic was actually more important than the Battle of Britain, in terms of the war. Reason: supplies.

Relatedly: Can you think of any sovereign nation which has been aggressively building military capability and extending territorial positioning, has been exponentially increasing aggression, has a recent (10-20yrs) history of exponentially increasing hacking/cracking for Nation State purposes, has a ~3,000yr history of pretending social/diplomatic niceties then conducting surprise attacks, and has a strong recent history of conducting NationState-crippling passive-aggressive attacks by eliminating trade/supplies?

In answering that question, you might note something rather startling that happened just yesterday, re the last item in that list.

9/11 & kamikazes (and "ogging") demonstrated conclusively that often the weapon-delivery system is more dangerous than the weapons, so long as you don't care about the people in it. And even ordinary vehicles are actually lethal (cf. trucks & cars used by terrorists the last few years). It just takes someone/some group to decide to DO it.

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