Reply to post: Re: Security software 101

Password managers may leave your online crown jewels 'exposed in RAM' to malware – but hey, they're still better than the alternative

Adam 1

Re: Security software 101

> You keep it at least hashed

A hash is a cryptographic one way function. Knowing the hash, it is mathematically impossible to recovery the original string without brute forcing all possible strings and looking for one that gives the same hashed value. Being able to vomit back the original password into a password box is kinda a big thing for a password manager.

> or XOR-ed with some other binary

So where do you put that binary so the attacker can't do the same? Why don't you just put the passwords there instead.

Also, what would happen if you xor'd the obfuscated passwords together with other obfuscated passwords from that same secret binary? What can you learn about the key? What if you discover just one of those passwords in a paste bin dump then xor the obfuscated password with the known one? Oh look, secret binary in clear. Now we can read any others too.

Fun isn't it?

Even something as "simple" as clearing the secret out of memory is much harder than you might think. Depending on the runtime involved, you be relying on a garbage collector to actually overwrite the memory and you control over that process is limited. And that's before you consider whether it might be in the CPU caches which might as recent vulnerabilities show, be an oracle.

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