Reply to post: Try bunging in an FOIA request to the DWP about LIMA

Guess who's working on a health data-slurping digital tool? Bzzt! Nope, it's the UK Department for Work and Pensions

Camilla Smythe

Try bunging in an FOIA request to the DWP about LIMA

Specifically asking about its design or other technical details. For example...

Additionally, any documentation that details how the LiMA system is designed is exempt from

disclosure under section 43 (2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This is because, in our

opinion, the disclosure of the information under the Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice

the commercial interests of both DWP and a third party licensee of DWP.

That's right folks. LIMA is a commercial and commercially sensitive product. AFAIK, don't quote me, it was developed in collaboration with ATOS and/or MAXIMUS and they will not tell you about it because of commercial sensitivity... e.g possible profit base. More likely the system is so hopelessly broken that it says people who are dead are fit for work.

Now they want to do what the article suggests but place their hooks more deeply into personally sensitive information and no doubt if they do get access the result will be a commercially sensitive product that you do not get to look at.

I would suggest that if they are not going to be completely transparent about what they are implementing and how they are implementing it then they should be invited to go fuck themselves.

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