Reply to post: Re: " If the cloud is just a commodity, they do have some points."

Oracle throws toys out pram again, tells US claims court: Competing for Pentagon cloud contract isn't fair!

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: " If the cloud is just a commodity, they do have some points."

"If the DoD needs are so great (and at 200 data centers they certainly look that way) it sounds very risky to put everything on a single supplier."

The end goal is probably around 100 data centres:

- somewhere between 10-20 "commodity cloud" DC's. The difference between 10 (just AWS) or 20 (AWS+Azure) will likely come down to contracts and diversity.

- at least one data centre per state for specific state requirements that aren't well served by a central DC

- "special" DC's for DoD projects that may or may not be publicly known. I'm guess there will be a similar number of these to the number of state DC's due to known existing usage (i.e. certain equipment providers DC's for equipment support, DARPA projects etc)

While this is a significant reduction in numbers, I'm not sure it is excessive given changes in DoD workloads and the boom in government cloud usage.

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