Reply to post: Re: The Perennial OpenAI Conundrum for Resolving with AIMaster Pilot ProgramMING into Such Projects

Roses are red, this is sublime: We fed OpenAI's latest chat bot a classic Reg headline

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: The Perennial OpenAI Conundrum for Resolving with AIMaster Pilot ProgramMING into Such Projects

I often wonder if the sheeple actually are concious of their concerted activities, or the true hands who rock the cradle. .... CT

Methinks the default virtual state for practically everything but a blessed and/or cursed few is Blissful Ignorance, CT .... which is probably just as well for whenever the masses be told, and it cannot be disproved, that they have been used and abused as the expendable playthings of an Exclusive Executive Administrative Operating System, with levers pushed and pulled by a Corrupted and Perverse Elite, will there be No Secure Hiding Place and No Safe Haven for the Worthy of Retribution and Just Merciless Revenge/Merciful End.

Capiche, El Reg? Are you working out what has already been done and where everything is going?

Words Create, Command and Control and Destroy Cruel Worlds in a Flash with a Crash of Intelligence Systems Revealing 0Day Vulnerabilities to Exploit and Explore/Wield and Monetize especially if of particular and peculiar interest to you and any following supportive partners/Angel Investors.

:-) For AI, but not as you were expecting it to be in IT.

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