Reply to post: Re: Hoots Mon

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Hoots Mon

Torn about the airgun licensing personally, mainly as I live rural and anyone with a reason to have a weapon has no issue getting a licence (and generally already had one for the shotgun etc)

City problem and unfortunately it became a sledgehammer to crack a nut. What didn't help was I've seen some airguns, which to someone without firearms knowledge.....look real enough (and that includes many members of plod)

The ASCs on the A90 are another sledgehammer (and the case for them seems to have been drawn up to suit the solution), it doesn't solve the horrendous poor driving I see daily on it - 1 or even both headlights blown, vans swerving across both lanes as the driver is using an app on their phone, pulling out at the last minute in front of oncoming traffic (inc lorries which don't exactly stop on a shilling) dawdling (15 mph on a clear, dry sunny day), braking for no reason and worse. Try to get the former Tayside Police to do anything....good luck (I know their Police Scotland, but many of the faces are still the same old and most of attitudes haven't changed)

The biggest issue is the sheer amount of T junctions, centre gaps (allowing folk to cross 4 lanes of traffic and often done by those who pull out at the last minute and dawdle between both lanes causing others to take evasive action), poor layout (the whole thing should have been laid out as per brechin, flyovers and wide lanes (the once nice concrete surface is a mess now though, patched with bitumen (its what we had on the wagon pal), which of course acts completely differently to the surrounding road material and compounds the issue) and worst of all farm machinery (often without the required warning lights). When it was dualled it should have been to motorway standard with a single carriageway laid alongside for the use of farm vehicles. The amount of times I've seen clearly non roadworthy farm equipment on that road is unreal, dark night and no lights or reflectors on the back, no warning beacons, stuff falling out or off of the trailer, bales wobbling alarmingly as they haven't been tied down or stacked properly.

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