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Pandas so useless they just look at delicious kid who fell into enclosure


I see someone didn't hang about getting a video of the event, which probably was uploaded and viral within 10 minutes. Then the Panda haters and the Panda lovers would have both been up in arms across the Internet - and on TV news within the hour, with petitions for and against exterminating all Pandas. All the while, the EU voted to implement Panda privacy laws at the detrement of the Internet as a whole, and a new Panda tax to ensure this never happens again.

In the meantime, the Panda becomes an Internet sensation, on the cover of magazines, with Hollywood lining up to make a movies of the drama. The toddler is recast as a 21 year old starlet, and Johnny Depp is in line to play the Panda (with trade-mark eye makeup!). It's in line for an oscar nomination already by all accounts.

All I can add is - where were this toddlers parents, and why are they incompetent?

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