Reply to post: Re: IQ <85

One click and you're out: UK makes it an offence to view terrorist propaganda even once


Re: IQ <85

No, it doesn't. If I cull every human with an IQ rating below 85 at any given time I reduce the population by 16-18%. The rating of every one else based on those tests does not change. Mine is somewhere around 140, my ex around 160-165.

The problem with democracy is simple. Most people who are upper 5% know full well that democracy is idiotic so a high percentage don't vote and the non voting percentage rises with IQ. Which means that in the percentage who do vote *and* have dribbling retard syndrome their vote is actually magnified in effect because for each dribbling sped who votes because the government told them to and inherently makes the wrong choice - 2 or 3 of the intelligent didn't bother because they already realised they were on a losing wicket and had better things to do (like using Vegans for archery targets, a random example you understand). Or as pTerry might put it - Vimes had the vote (intelligent) but you can't stop Nobby Nobbs having the vote (dumb as a stump).

Add in the people in the middle and the percentage of them who are bigoted single mother hating cretins or are related to and influenced by same and whatever happens it's a case of fucktards choice.

I mean the deputy chairman of the Conservative Party is a bloke called Jimmy Cleverly MP - talk about pissing on us without even calling it rain.

There is one way and one way only democracy is viable - only give people with a 120+ IQ a vote - but try and do that and all hell would break loose. All the retards and semi-retards would go postal against the much smaller intelligent forces (though hopefully sped command would put their stupidest on artillery - I can just imagine that conversation...

"technically yes it *was* a walking barrage, you're right. However. It's *supposed* to start at our position and move towards them, not start at their position and move towards *us*..."

"Oh... Yeah... Sorry".).

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