Reply to post: Re: "Is it worse to have a 0.01% chance of the kids watch being hacked"

Leaky child-tracking smartwatch maker hits back at bad PR

Version 1.0 Silver badge

Re: "Is it worse to have a 0.01% chance of the kids watch being hacked"

but it must exist in a safe form - and the chances of that happening reliably are vanishingly small. You are far better off teaching your kids about the risks of the world and that most of the time it's easy to avoid them ... when I was a kid I would take off after breakfast and be all over the countryside until late afternoon ... than I'd return home and wait for my mum to walk me across the main road. My parents never knew where I was - on vacation I'd climb cliffs, run parkour-like in the 60's over all sorts of places - it scares me now to know what I did but as a kid I didn't care, I just knew not to break a leg when the tide was coming in. Kids are a lot smarter than adults.

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