Reply to post: Re: IOT=Crap

Amid polar vortex... Honeywell gets frosty reception after remote smart thermostat tech freezes up for a week


Re: IOT=Crap

The difference is that lots of us don't see any convenience* in rigging up our lightbulbs to the Internet, whether or not that makes them turn on or off in fancy ways - classic motion sensors or timers tend to do the job just fine if we truly feel our lives are pointless without lightbulbs with their own will. Nobody's preventing anyone here from going crazy with the stuff if they feel it really works for them, lots of us simply resent the ongoing implication that one needs to be crazy not to see all the marvellous advantages these modern net-connected wonders offer to allegedly absolutely everyone just as long as we're willing to repent our sins...

* Let me know when they make a lightbulb than can replace itself automatically when it burns out. I might just consider it actually convenient enough to buy a few...

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