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The D in SystemD stands for Danger, Will Robinson! Defanged exploit code for security holes now out in the wild

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

gawsh you guys, you brownvote like I'm defending LP or something. I'm not saying it isn't shitty for the FOSS people-- it is shitty. I *am* saying that was a bad comparison; it is not accurate. It's a shitty metaphor, a shitty ANALogy, and a shitty thing to say. And WTF is 'bigly' anyway? Hugely, majorly, largely, predominantly, massively, overwhelmingly, phenomenally, sure... but bigly? Shirley something resembling an adjective in that position would have been much less ...aromatically unpleasant. It rather tidily betrays the shortage of critical thinking behind the shitty OP. But what do I know? I'm just a dumb bum Murkin anyway...

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