Reply to post: Re: The reasons for the iPhone sales slump were threefold

iPhone price cuts are coming, teases Apple CEO. *Bring-bring* Hello, Apple UK? It's El Reg. You free to chat?

werdsmith Silver badge

Re: The reasons for the iPhone sales slump were threefold

I've re-read your 3 reasons a number of times, and there must be a typo because I just can't see "a lack of innovation leading to Apple flogging the same product for an inflated price" as one of the options

I must be holding it wrong


What we need on The Register comments is some innovation in the jokes. This must be the 5 billionth time this has been repeated. Each time the commenter probably thinks they are being original. The commenter forgot to say that Apple steal tech from other people and pretend they invented it. And use the words "isheep", "sheeple" and "idiot tax" for some extra originality.

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