Reply to post: Re: Maxta was a disaster for me

Underfunded HCI startup Maxta hits the buffers as VC cash runs out


Re: Maxta was a disaster for me

I have no idea what you're talking about and have never publicly complained about Maxta to anyone, buying the product was a massive mistake I made and I have no desire to share the details with anyone.

Perhaps I purchased the product much earlier in its life than a lot of the people here, in fact, that almost certainly the case as there head could was only small at the time, they didn't even have a proper support structure, although that's not they told us during the purchase, we found that out later during a particularly bad failure of the system.

Regardless of how the product progressed, the attitude of Yoram was the real issue. He was more than happy to charge us a lot of money for a non-working product and really didn't care about the problems Maxta misleading us caused at my end.

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