Reply to post: Re: The reasons for the iPhone sales slump were threefold

iPhone price cuts are coming, teases Apple CEO. *Bring-bring* Hello, Apple UK? It's El Reg. You free to chat?

JDX Gold badge

Re: The reasons for the iPhone sales slump were threefold

They have arguably been doing that for several generations while sales and profits continued to grow so that clearly cannot be the whole answer.

I expected lots of "Apple is going to collapse as all the sheeple finally wake up" comments, clearly Apple might shrink - to a few hundred billion. They are still THE premium smartphone.

I'm sure they'll be around for a while longer... iPhones and iPads might be moving to slower upgrade cycles but they ARE still being upgraded, the Mac has never been more popular against the PC.

The reason Apple is shrinking/stalling is there isn't really anywhere else TO grow. They sold to nearly everyone who they want to sell to and now they are a bit stuck.

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