Reply to post: Re: Apple was lucky that IBM was so office-centric its graphic cards sucked.

The Apple Mac is 35 years old. Behold the beige box of the future

Steve Todd

Re: Apple was lucky that IBM was so office-centric its graphic cards sucked.

You could easily get bit-mapped monochrome graphics for the PC (go look up the Hercules Graphics Card), the problem was that the 8088 @4.77MHz sucked compared to a 7.8MHz 68000.

The fact that the 8088 was a 16 bit CPU with a 8 bit data bus didn't help, but the 64K segmented memory size and a limited set of registers (many instructions were restricted as to which registers you could use, which made things worse) were also killers. Windows didn't really become usable until the 386 arrived.

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