Reply to post: Re: Cloud fad

The D in SystemD stands for Dammmit... Security holes found in much-adored Linux toolkit


Re: Cloud fad

I agree with your general point but, this, no:

> No way RedHat would have paid this loser and team to do this much major work if there wasn't that pot of gold perceived at the end of the rainbow.

Reason: you are assuming RedHat is rational.

I discovered RedHat had been completely hijacked by the corporate parasites over 5 years ago. This means they follow memes and internal coolnesses/emotion, rather than anything actually rational. Source: temp.flatmate worked there. Stories of utter madness, same as the big US corporates I'd worked in.

They were even then chucking out topspec machines (personal: laptops etc) just so people could have the newest shinyshiny.

I'm typing on one right now. Free. I keep the redhat sticker on it to remind me they've been hijacked.

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