Reply to post: Re: Misdiagnose?

Top GP: Medical app Your.MD's data security wasn't my remit


Re: Misdiagnose?

Yes, but all very confusing. Two questions: The sidebar says, “which he alleges was so bad that anyone could have tampered with Your.MD's medical advice databases to change the diagnoses issued by the app,” but Baker explicitly stated the app does not make the diagnosis. Which statement is correct?

The second question is yours: was the medical history of the patient left vulnerable? That could most definitely lead to a misdiagnosis. The incorrect reporting or fabrication of test results, or altering whether someone had or had not a history of an illness would result in making a wrong diagnosis. Even common illnesses, like chicken pox or mumps, could be misdiagnosed based on history (did he or did he not contract those illness previously?). Moreover, the history of FAMILY illnesses could mislead a doctor’s diagnosis, since the predisposition for acquiring many conditions and illnesses is genetic.

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