Reply to post: Re: Comparison

Dozens of .gov HTTPS certs expire, webpages offline, FBI on ice, IT security slows... Yup, it's day 20 of Trump's govt shutdown

Bubba Von Braun

Re: Comparison

You miss a key point..

While the president can run on a series of "promises" so do the elected officials from that other branch of government... The Congress (House of Reps/Senate)

After enduring crown rule, the founding fathers wanted to make certain that no one arm was all powerful ruling over the people. Of the three arms of Government, (Congress, Executive Branch and the Judiciary) The executive branch is probably the weakest.

In this case POTUS still needs to obtain the support from the Congress, and vice/versa for policies spending etc. One could argue that POTUS is the weaker here, as the Congress can override a Veto by the President with a super-majority.

A presidential election is not a blank check..

Here endth the civics lesson..


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