Reply to post: Re: Nothing like the smell of ethics first thing in the morning.

Huawei’s elusive Mr Ren: We’re just a 'sesame seed' in a superpower spat

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Nothing like the smell of ethics first thing in the morning.

Maybe the Chinese words for 'rip-off' and 'invent' are the same.

It has always been the case with emerging nations that they steal ideas with pride. When they get more developed like the US or Europe they're more discreet, and pretend they don't. And if they can't steal a foreign idea, they'll just try and block it through pure protectionism, or via the civil courts.

All of human endeavour is founded on copying things others have done, and very, very occasionally innovating a tiny bit. Whilst innovators need to be rewarded, so do the societies providing the cheap labour that provides all the lovely cheap goods that we want, but won't pay the price to have locally made.

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