Reply to post: Re: Dark matter/energy question

The Large Hadron Collider is small beer. Give us billions more for bigger kit, say boffins


Re: Dark matter/energy question

It's a good thought, one that was first raised more than 100 years ago. Unfortunately when you calculate the energy generated by quantum fluctuations the number that you get differs from the observed value of the cosmological constant by up to 120 orders of magnitude -

My interpretation of this is that our understanding of quantum mechanics and/or the universe is incomplete. Dark energy probably isn't caused by the quantum vacuum, and may not exist at all. Perhaps Mike McCulloch is right with his theory of quantised inertia which claims to be able to derive the expansion of the universe and galaxy rotations without dark energy or dark matter. Or perhaps we won't come across the correct theory for another 100 years. I do know that the smartest and best funded people we have have been looking really hard for both for a number of decades and so far they've got zilch. You do the maths.

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