Reply to post: Re: Older long term workers cost more than newbies

IBM insists it's not deliberately axing older staff. Internal secret docs state otherwise...

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: Older long term workers cost more than newbies

The ol' "yes, but". Younger employees, especially fresh-outs are far more expensive. They have to be trained, they make mistakes, the are more likely to call in sick, they may be starting a family and taking lots of family leave, etc. Older workers have made or seen most of the silly mistakes, any training they might get it going to be on an advanced level rather than needing to cover basics or be taught at a level that doesn't assume years of experience, they've had their kids and don't call in "sick" as often.

It's good to be bringing in young talented people to fill out the ranks, but most of them aren't going to be coming to the job with very many skills other than regurgitating answers on test forms. What they will need is to be added to departments with older, more experienced people that will mentor them or at least review what they are doing to prevent costly mistakes.

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