Reply to post: Re: What a loaded question.

Two out of five Silicon Valley techies complain Trump's H-1B crackdown has hit 'em hard


Re: What a loaded question.

> But yeah, the "method" used in this survey and the cold numbers spewed by it simply don't mean jack.

Well, actually, they could but in a Complementary-Set/Dog-Didn't-Bark kinda way.


Specifically, the rather disturbing implication from the survey results is :

* ~40% of the tech.people wasting employers' time festering on bitchy tech.gossip sites, are on H1B visas.


This in turn could imply either or both of :

* ~40% of Silicon Valley staff are on H1B visas.

* H1B visa people are one or more of : less-skilled, less-motivated, or less-loyal.


Just looking at the numbers and the logic: so high a ratio implies either US techs are startlingly incompetent or else some sort of systemic rort is going on.

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